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Global CE Journal



Global Clinical Engineering Journal

The Diamond open-access Global Clinical Engineering Journal publishes high-quality, timely, peer-reviewed manuscripts about the intersection of technology, engineering, and informatics related to health, wellness, disease management, and patient-care outcomes around the world.

Wider global community participation is further facilitated through this no-fee publication. Readers can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of its articles and use them for any other lawful purposes.

Global CE Journal Vol 3 Issue 2

6 Volumes

Valuable research to help our worldwide
CE community.

20 Issues

Fully available on our website for public and
free access.

120+ Articles

Reviewed by +200 international experts and published in our issues.

20 Editors

International experts with vast experience in specific areas.

Special Mention

"Global Clinical Engineering Journal is proud to serve as the publisher of the Special Mention manuscript Analysis of IFMBE-CED 2017 Worldwide Clinical Engineering Survey as one of the finalists in the 2020 IFMBE/CED Best Clinical Engineering Manuscript award."

Our congratulations to the authors: Nascimento, L., Calil, S., Judd, T., & David, Y.


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