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Programs and Projects


HTF's Purpose

GCEA Mission: to maximize the benefits for patients and their care providers from Clinical Engineering expertise and healthcare technology, while minimizing the risks and costs.
HTF’s Purpose is to support the GCEA mission by generating, responsibly managing, and distributing funds to support education and research that leads to safe, effective, patient-centered, timely, efficient, and equitable application of healthcare technology.
Our Vision is to achieve significant improvements in global healthcare through the application of healthcare technology.

At Healthcare Technology Foundation we offer the following programs:

  • Clinical Alarms Management and Integration - This program identifies issues and opportunities to improve clinical alarm design, integration, operation, response, and actions. 
  • Patient Safety and Education Program – The program provides resources for improving patient safety with the education of the public on the safe use of patient devices in the home environment. Brochures have been developed on "Home Devices – Can I Bring My Own Medical Device with Me to the Hospital?" and "Fire Safety & Oxygen: A Patient Guide." The brochures are published in English and Spanish and posted on the Healthcare Technology Foundation website. Our contact is Jim Wear.
  • ACCE/HTF Marv Shepherd Patient Safety Award - The annual Shepherd Patient Safety Award recognizes a deserving clinical engineer/biomedical engineer who advanced patient safety through the design, use, support, education, and/or management of healthcare technologies. This individual could be an inventor, accident investigator, author, educator, promoter of the safe use of technology in health care, and/or other persons with recognized patient safety accomplishments. This award is administered jointly with the ACCE.
  • Tools for Managing Integrated Technology Risk - The Healthcare Technology Foundation and AAMl are working together to develop and offer an education and training program to healthcare systems on systems engineering topics, with the goal of increasing the skills and ability of clinical technology professionals to apply systems engineering tools and principles to their work.



Past Reports

Articles About the Foundation and Related Activities

Clinical Alarm Safety and Respiratory Therapists (Mar 2017/637 Kb)
Respiratory Therapists' Response to a National Clinical Alarm Survey
Alarm Systems Management by The Healthcare Technology Roundtable
Philips Healthcare Interviews Healthcare Technology Foundation President on Alarm Fatigue (Trace Journal September 2013 Issue)
Auditory Assistance-Strategies to reduce hospital noise problems

The Innaugural A Healthcare Technology Foundation ExCEL Award, Journal of Clinical Engineering (Oct/Dec 2008/71 Kb)
Colloquium Report; Journal of Clinical Engineering (Jan-Mar 2008/72 Kb)
Colloquium Report, Biomedical Instrumentation and Technology (Nov/Dec 2007/1.04 Mb)
Impact of Clinical Alarms on Patient Safety (Journal of Clinical Engineering) (4-17-2007/1.1 Mb)

HTF Articles cited

Implementing a Unit-Based Alarm Management Bundle for Critical Care Nurses

April 2023

Impact of Alarm Fatigue on the Work of Nurses in an Intensive Care Environment-A Systematic Review

November 2020

Assessment of Alarm Fatigue Risk Among Oncology Nurses in Jordan

April 2023

Smart care for dealing with nurses' alarm fatigue in the intensive care unit

January 2023

Intensive care unit nurses' perceptions and practices regarding clinical alarms: A descriptive study

April 2023

A novel self-adaptive method for improving patient monitoring with composite early-warning scores

December 2022

Conference Paper

Health Technology Foundation Content

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