5th ICEHTMC early bird Registration is now available!
Greetings from the 5th ICEHTMC Congress on Clinical Engineering & Health Technology Management-related issues 2023! The Program Organizing Committee (ICEHTMC 2023) announced that the Congress will be held on November 10–13, 2023 at the AMTZ Convention Center, Visakhapatnam, in India. The ICEHTMC World Congress is held every 2 years and rotates among the continents, with the intention of facilitating education exchange, state-of-the-art training, and networking everywhere. Sharing results of research, benchmarking, best practices, and major innovations in health-related technologies with global healthcare stakeholders that contribute to better patient experience with healthcare programs.
The ICEHTMC 2023 bi-annual event is expecting about 1,000 attendees and is extremely honored to be hosted for the first time in South East Asia. On behalf of the Program Organizing Committee (POC), we take great pleasure in inviting you to join the Educational and Social Programs of the Congress, meet leaders of the global Clinical Engineering community, visit with old friends, as well as make new ones, all while enjoying the unique offerings of India. Please complete the registration form and submit it with all fields filled in English.
For more information, please contact us at info@globalcea.org
Attendance at the 5th ICEHTMC Congress requires successful completion of the registration process.
The scientific committee will announce the papers accepted by July 17th, 2023. Presenting author of an accepted paper or poster must register for the Congress.
However, if your paper is accepted and you desire to receive 99% of their registration fee waived, please register after July 17, 2023.
All other co-authors and non-authors, who intend to attend the Congress, need to register and pay the registration fee.
Participation in the Conference is only possible with the completion of payment of the registration fee.
The completion of the registration process will also ensure that Abstracts of accepted submissions will be published in the Congress Proceedings.
Registration categories

Please note: Members must submit evidence of membership in good standing with one of the organizations: GCEA, IFMBE, AAMI, AMTZ, or WHO.

If your paper is accepted and you desire to receive 99% of your registration fee waived, please register after July 17, 2023 with a waiver code we will provide you.

Please note: Students must submit evidence of attending an Academic Institution.